【邀请函】相约CHINACOAT 2019上海国际涂料展,金宗与您再续精彩!
【中国国际涂料展】自1996年起,每年在上海和广州交替举行,深受全球业界高度重视和评价。2019中国国际涂料展重临上海——为展商扩展中国、世界各地市场及提升企业品牌再建优质平台! China and Asia. The show is held annually and alternates its venue between the cities of Guangzhou and Shanghai, P. R. China. The scale of our 2018 Guangzhou edition reached its historic high, with a total of 35,540 trade visitors from 91 countries/regions, 1,291 exhibitors from 31 countries/regions and a gross exhibition area of over 78,500 square meters. In 2019, CHINACOAT will return to Shanghai and is always a great platform where global industry meets! 时间Date:2019年11月18-20日 地址Add:上海新国际博览中心(SNIEC)中国上海浦东新区龙阳路2345号 展位号 Booth No:E3-E55a 届时,金宗机械作为树脂和涂料设备的元老级制造商,为给业界人士带来优质的化工成套设备及控制系统解决方案,金宗的“战场”已经准备好,就等您来拿“战胜品”了。诚挚邀请各位新老朋友莅临金宗展台洽谈合作! On the fair, Jinzong Machinery, as a veteran manufacturer of resin and coating equipment, will bring the high-quality chemical equipment and control system solutions for the customers. Jinzong’s “battlefield” is ready and wait for you to win the “victory". Sincerely invite all friends to visit the Jinzong booth! 金宗涂料展展台 《展馆平面图》 说点什么